MK Gandhi once said, 'If you are doing work for the public good, it is important the funds for it come from the public. Then you always know your work is needed by the public you are serving.'

Please support our work.


Earthlinks UK is a small, dynamic charity funded by philanthropic organisations and individual supporters who share our values and are keen to support global community projects.

In the past we have received funding from Big Lottery, Sainsburys Trusts, UnLtd, Legacies, and many other organisations and individual supporters. While our events are self sustaining, our community projects rely on the wider community to enable them.

If you wish to support us financially, please click the button below.

Do you have skills, contacts, or any other resources to help? Please feel free to contact us using the form below, or call Minni Jain on +44 (0)7910 201155

You can also email us at: